Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Central Tragedy

This is one portion of a paper I had to write for a class this semester.  It has to do with a tragedy in my life.  It's about a 5 minute read.  Would love to hear your thoughts.

             I lived most of my life with hell living inside of me, like a mouse in the walls of an old house.  It was an actual physical entity that dwelled inside of me and to this day, I am angry about it.  As long as I can remember, I was scared of going to hell and I had this one burning question on the tip of my tongue that I couldn’t ask any of the adults because I was scared of the answer, and I thought they would all think the question was foolish.  Until one day, I asked one of the adults who I had decided was possibly the one adult who could give me the answer that would take my fear away and confirm that, yes indeed, God was actually a nice guy.  His answer was a tragedy in my life and it caused a rift between God and myself that is only recently being reimagined.
            The question was this: If I commit a sin, say, tell a small lie or something trivial like that, and then were to go outside and be hit by a car and die without having confessed that sin, would I go to hell?  Perhaps the question seems simple, but its existence in my life was anything but simple and how that question had been formed at my core was a process of a very insidious nature.  There was the repetition of instruction about heaven and hell given to me every night at my bedside as a child and the conversations about what paradise would be like after we die. There was also the insistence that I remember every sin I had committed that day, each day, because we must “confess with our mouths” our sins to be forgiven and “we all sin every day”, so I would rack my brain trying to remember the sin I did that day and would end up confessing things that weren’t sin because I had to confess something.  Like the old Robert Johnson blues tune, “Hell Hound On My Trail”, hell was creeping up behind me and the devil was a deceiver and my chances were not good because I wasn’t smart enough to keep ahead of the game he had set up way back in the Garden of Eden. 
After some time in my life, the anxiety was palpable and I was conscious of it.  I needed answers, so I turned to a friend of my father’s who I had grown to love in my young life.  I was 13 at this time.  He was a black man and very tall and had a low voice and he had always been kind and gentle towards me.  He was a pastor in our church fellowship and had been a missionary for many years in Indonesia, so he qualified, in my mind, as a bona fied man of God. The felt experience I had when in his presence made me think he knew God, so when he was assigned to be my counselor at summer camp, I was excited, even relieved. 
The last day of camp, there was always a traditional campfire “come-to-Jesus” meeting that typically ended with many tears and confessions and rededications and conversions to Christianity.  It was after this event, when my dorm mates and I had returned to the dorm and there was more prayer and confession being done with our two counselors, that I decided to approach this giant man with my question.  I remember it very clearly: I phrased it simply, just as it had always existed in my mind and heart.  When I uttered the final words, “will I go to hell”, he looked at me as if I had just asked him what two plus two was.  He simply said, “Yes”. 
I remember the feeling very well.  It was like in the movies, when the reactor is about to meltdown and some character is shouting, “SHUT IT DOWN!  SHUT IT ALL DOWN!!!”  In the movie, people begin toggling switches down as fast as their hands will allow so as to prevent utter destruction.  So it was with my heart.  I felt a shut down happen almost instantly.  My heart was retreating from the god I had always feared existed, but never wanted to believe in.  Since not believing wasn’t an option because it was very clear I would go to hell if I didn’t believe, my soul underwent a separation process.  It was like there was a part of me inside, perhaps the child-like side that Jesus referred to, that knew what was true or not because of a pure creative energy that I was born with.  And now I felt that part of me break off and fall by the wayside.  I don’t remember any words or conversation from the rest of that evening or that week.  I don’t remember feeling much about God after that until in my early twenties when the depression was so heavy that I began to search for a way out of my life, either by death or by healing.  Either would be fine.  It turns out that I preferred healing. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rwanda Report and Vision for December, 2012

Dear Supporter,

            I am writing you because you have supported me in the work I have been doing in Rwanda over the last several years.  I am incredibly grateful for everything that you and many others have done and all you have given to make some wonderful things happen.  We are on the brink of something HUGE and I wanted to fill you in the details as I continue to ask for your support.  First, here is what has been accomplished through your support over the last two years:

          When I did the first training 2 years ago, there were around 250 kids in the Play for Hope programs and no trained coaches.  Within six months of the first two trips/trainings that you facilitated through your giving, that number had jumped to ten trained coaches and about 850 kids in the program.  That’s 850 (that number is up to 1,000 now) poor children, many of them homeless, that have been given mentorship, a place to belong, a team to be a part of, and an opportunity to thrive that they did not have before because our coaches were prepared to lead. 

-       We have opened Heroes Soccer Academy.  We now have a full team of boys, who were mostly living in a landfill (yes, a garbage dump) before, in full-time school and academy soccer training.  They are living in a home with trained Play for Hope Coaches that has been funded by Play for Hope Supporters all over the world.

-       We now have 7 paid full time coaches and one paid assistant.  They are some of the most respected and highly trained coaches in Rwanda.  Many of them come from desperately poor situations (many from the streets themselves) and are now able to do what they love and are gifted at as well as provide for their families.  Your support of my endeavors was the giving that spawned this. 

-       We are taking the lead in empowerment for female athletes.  Our girls, as well as boys, are now being called upon to tryout for the youth national teams and there is a new respect being achieved for female athletes…and the girls are loving it.

These are some of the highlights, among many.  Now, for what is to come and the reason I am calling on you for supports once again:

My life is madness nowadays with graduate school, work, a brand new baby girl, and coaching as much as possible.  In spite of the lack of time, I have been able to explore a new connection for Play for Hope and December’s trip is about this. 

Steve Zakuani of the Seattle Sounders is one of the young stars of the MLS – he is also a man who has a heart for the poor and disenfranchised children and wants to do something about giving them opportunities to achieve greatness.  His non-profit organization Kingdom Hope ( is seeking to build academies around the world that would give an opportunity to those without an opportunity – to become what they were created to be and achieve greatness in life and sport.  As he and I have cultivated a relationship, we have begun asking what we could accomplish together and so he has agreed to accompany me to Rwanda this December, in spite of his insane schedule, and examine closely the possibility of building an academy that would facilitate our goals and dreams in Play for Hope as well as those of Kingdom Hope.  We are prepared to receive him and what we hope will come from this is the greatest soccer academy in East Africa and a way to provide opportunities for the poor children of Rwanda at a completely new level.  Here’s what would happen if we succeed:

-       Opportunity to play through fields and transport: the key to everything in soccer.  Our players train on what can only be described as cement dirt with patches of grass and goats around them that becomes clay-mud when it rains.  It is very very difficult to train well when the ball can’t roll.  Even our Heroes Academy boys train on a field that is unthinkably bad.  The few turf fields that exist in the country are very expensive to train on.  We would also be able to purchase vehicles to facilitate games for our kids.
-       Food – those living at the academy, like those at Heroes Academy would be given healthcare and regular nutrition.
-       Education – we would build a school to educate and empower our kids.  Many of them don’t have any education at all….it is our dream to prepare them for life….education is the key.
-       Truth – mentorship, direction, and the truth of God’s love would be the foundation of the curriculum in our school. 

Anyway, you can see why I am excited about this.  So, here’s what I am asking and hoping for.  Travel is still very expensive to Rwanda – I have to raise $3,000 for my airfare and room and board to be able to make this work.  I am hoping and praying for your support and am so grateful for everything you have provided for over the years.  I wish each and every one of you could see with your own eyes what has been accomplished through your help.  Donation info is as such (I travel in mid-December):

1.     You can donate online: 2 minutes and it’s done:
2.     You can mail donations (made out to Play for Hope with nothing in the memo line) to me at 2315 NE 27th St. Renton, WA  98056. 
3.     You can call me and we can get together for coffee and talk about everything and discuss it then. (-:  I would love to do that. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and help.  What we’re doing over there is so big…..and you are the key.  God Bless…..

                                                                                          In His Spirit,

Steve Zakuani with Kingdom Hope